British Gas: the biggest one-off increase in energy bills

Businesses and homes, beware: The biggest gas increase ever has hit us! The heads with the article, “British Gas hits customers with biggest one-off increase in energy bills ever recorded”. Families are paying £400 more a year for their energy than they were at the start of the year. The price increases, people tremble and the British Gas owners become richer everyday. The Times Online reveals that “British Gas owner makes almost £1bn profit”. BBC News speaks about “Anger over £1bn Centrica profits” and the says: “British Gas provokes fury with biggest ever price rise”.

It’s a neverending history that splits the society: we need to use energy and we must save it. In the last years our society has to become more respectful of the world’s resources and the recent price increase of all the kinds of energy has helped the new saving policy. But even if the environmental activism is taking advantage, common people are scared. The Earth claims respect, but on one side billions of pounds profit earned by energy companies on the other millions worries about the escalation of the prices. Business Made Simple has addressed the problem and invited you to get involved and say what you think about the crisis. British Gas has promised it will not increase its bills again before the end of the year, but most energy experts were expecting a further round of price increases this winter. Can customers look on the bright side of this unbelievable increase?! What do you think?

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