Virtual Office MadeSimple

Virtual office services: London loves them

One of the most remarkable things about living in an age of interconnectivity is the ability to maintain a business presence in a location that is not your own. This is the main appeal of virtual offices for many businesses located outside the capital.

Non-London based companies may often feel like they are losing out by not having a business presence near the prestige and gravity of the city.

Then there are those already located in or near London. However, they too are able take advantage of virtual office services in London. And they love them for a number of reasons, let’s explore.

It’s The Privacy

Lots of people live in London, it’s not just about business. If you don’t have a regular office space, it’s likely that you used your home address as your registered office (if you’re operating as a limited company). That’s all well and good, but as a publicly accessible piece of data about your business, it may be more desirable to have a virtual office address to use as your own registered office address.

It’s more private and it’s just much easier to manage that way, which is one reason why entrepreneurs in London love virtual offices.

Mail – It’s The Convenience

Sometimes it’s just easier to receive only a forwarded letter that is important rather than sift through all of the unimportant junk mail. It’s simple and it’s effective, and busy entrepreneurs don’t like handling mail – whether they are in London or not.

Virtual offices make London business owner’s lives that little bit easier, by conveniently eliminating junk. It’s a streamlined version of business mail with all the fat trimmed.

Calls – It’s The Flexibility

It’s not just about mail, there are calls to manage too. Many people waste a lot of time on calls and using a virtual office support team to take messages and pass them to you makes your business more reliable and accessible for the clients and customers looking to get in touch.

You can have all your calls forwarded on to you, or you can have a message taken and get the details via email. It’s a great way to keep your attention on daily business activities, as opposed to taking calls.

Meeting Space – It’s The Possibility

Space in London is at a premium, and that’s why there is such a high level of demand associated with it. As a result you might find the process of finding a meeting space quite difficult in terms of cost or location. With a virtual office you can hire a meeting room in a central London location at a reasonable hourly rate.

Making it possible to take a meeting with investors, clients or colleagues at a mutually accessible business premises is another reason London businesses love virtual offices

Virtual Office Services: London or Lisbon

Wherever you are located you can take advantages of a London virtual office. Even if you’re located in London already. When you sign up for virtual offices services you have a complete range of benefits to your business regardless of location.

Check out the rest of our blog for more on how a virtual office can #ChangeYourLife.

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